Development of a municipal solid waste management system.
There is only one recycling station in the country of Haiti, and it is located in Port au Prince. It is run as a private for-profit business. Currently in Limbe’ there are few trash receptacles, no consistent garbage collection, and no recycling operation. Garbage is most often transported to the riverside to await flooding rains which wash it into the river. We propose to secure land and build a self-supporting resource recovery facility which would provide employment while greatly benefiting health and the environment.
Progress: Dallas Wasserberger and Jerry Wright, resource recovery engineers in Rapid City, South Dakota, have volunteered their time and created an outline and Power Point presentation for Rosedanie to use to gather information as to how to proceed with the project. This will be an expensive project in that we have to secure land and related equipment. However, once in operation it will generate a net profit to be used to further other projects.
13 Nov.: Rosedanie advises that through a Limbe’ organization – AREL – we may be able to secure land.
13 Dec.: Rosedanie’s brother, Fritz who works with the Ministry of Education in Port au Prince will, in early 2011, introduce her to people in ministries who may be able to help with this project.
26 December: Rosedanie has met with administrators of the Northern Region of Haiti which includes Limbe’, shown them the Power Point presentation and procedural outline, and they are enthusiastic about the project. They have suggested to her that HHN begin a program to educate people in the ease and importance of recycling, reusing, and composting.